Broader introduction to Airtable

Hi everyone, can someone please introduce me a bit broadly to Airtable before purchasing the plan that enables me to do so? As I haven’t done that yet I’d like to ask a few questions to find out whether it is a good solution for me rather than keeping the data in Adalo App. The questions may seem a bit dumb so I apologise in advance. :grinning: :slightly_smiling_face:

Does Airtable present a better way to work with records (delete, edit)?
Do you connect collections the same way as in Adalo? (create relationships with other collections, set type - number, text…)
Is there noticeable loading speed difference (in comparison with collection right in Adalo)?
Is it ok to source most of the collections from Airtable (except users) as presents a better way to work with/edit data for me?

Thanks if anyone takes time to read and respond. Feel free to send me DM not to spam it here. :slight_smile:

From the Adalo team, Airtable is a great choice and one that is the most used to integrate external collections with Adalo. Of course we recommend that if you do t need an external source our current DB are solid and obviously integrate easily with the platform.

The major limitations of Airtable with Adalo include not being able to create relationships with Adalo collections, more challenging set ups for filtering and you’re not able to send images to Airtable directly through the external collection API.

We are working on an Adalo API which will make much of this easier as well.

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Thank you for your response ashley. That is sad, then it makes no sense to use it for me. Have you got a rough idea of when that may be - next month, next 6 months, year… Thanks!

Actually you can get images into the attachment field in Airtable by passing the Adalo image’s URL as text in a Custom Action, but you can’t do an array of images unfortunately.

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@pford you’re right with custom actions you can now do that with the image URL.

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