Change dropdwon via a related collection update action

I am classifying a user according to the score he is earning with each purchase. With that I have in the user collection, a property of Points, and in another collection I have the ratings with the rating score. I need that when the user reaches a certain score in each rating range, it will be changed automatically. I am trying to do this via an update action on the user’s collection, but it does not allow me to change the classification because it is a relationship property. How can I do this?

This is a tough thing to do because it needs to be tied to a list somehow in order to update automatically. For example, you might hide a filtered list as a single back button that updates the User to that list item if the user’s points are within a given range.

Hello pfordmedia. Thanks for the answer. I created a dropdown and selected the sort collection on a blank page. I made the filters according to the score of each level. I tried to do an update action but it is blank because Dropdown does not change automatically. In the Select settings, you have the default value option, but I cannot insert a valid option. Is this the way or would it be otherwise?

print 2

Hello I have few questions if it could be answered?

You would need to make those options a list rather than a dropdown, but yes that seems like the right idea from what I can tell.

for sure! can ask questions

Can you help me with chat feature? also why when I make a website and see it goes whell on the phone it dosent UIs looks misplaced

@anon78309838 você poderia me ajudar com isso?

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