Hi there. I’m building a coaching app and am having some problems with the chat.
I am trying to display a coach’s clients to them and allow them to begin a chat with a selected client. So one coach can have multiple clients. On the client-side, I want them to be able to click a button and enter into the same chat with the coach. And one client has one coach. It seems that in the chat tutorial, both conversation members have to enter into the chat through the same list in order to have the data for the logged-in user and the current user available. Can anyone help solve this??
You could set up your database so that messages also has a relationship to multiple users so every message the conversation members are client and coach and on the client side just add a chat button that would show the “bubble” list of messages where messages conversation members includes logged in user. This way the client will open their chat to just the messages with the coach, yet the coach will go to a screen that has a list of all their clients and the chats.
Hi Ashley and Lamiso,
I’m also building a coaching app. I used the basic template and fell in love with Adalo. I was expecting more advanced coaching app template in de Adalo store (might be a nice cash? generator :-).
You might be willing to share an older version of your Coach app, so I can speed up my learning curve and shorten my time to demo product. Is this possible / appropriate in the Adalo community?
Kind regards,