Create Finance App

Hi, am new to Adalo and trying to rebuild a finance app from MS Access that has lots of calculation scenarios (think mortgage calculator formulas) across multiple database collections (tables) - for example “Income - Expense = Net Income” (Table 1) + “Income - Expense = Net Income” (Table 2) / “Income - Expense = Net Income” (Table 3).

Are there any tutorials out there (preferable videos?) that might be able to show me the creation of something similar (loan or mortgage calculator for example?) so I can try and get my head around how Adalo might be used to create “reports” such as this?

Many thanks

Hi, Welcome to Adalo, a nice place to create apps. In adalo you can create all you want, u have to know somethings to dev more faster! … there’s a lot of functionalities that you see in others apps that can’t do it at the same but if u have imagination u can make it… Good Luck and we are here to help u.

Check this type of app made with adalo, I made it a long time ago, it is a template that I made for sale and that you can start editing, adding functionalities, etc.

Thanks and yes that is along the lines of what I am looking for so any online resource / tutorials that talk about running reports across multiple tables more complex than “sum: table 1”+“sum: table 2” I can access would be helpful and appreciated in the first instance. If there isn’t really anything else thus I have to consider purchasing templates from others then sure, is there a standard certified secure place for these?

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