Custom list design

Hi I need help with a custom list design I made. I tried making a dashboard to my mobile app to control it as an admin, which I was able to do. Now my problem comes in when I want to design it.
I have place this dashboard on a page, but I want it to occupy only half of the page what ever the amount of orders I have, so as to just scroll in the list to see the other orders but when the more I add orders the more the list goes down and occupies the whole page I would to know how can I handle that please. Because this affects my order list that are suppose to be on the same page. Does someone have a solution for me please.
let me show you a quick screen of the page so as to have a better understanding.

Hi @kevynk15

Enter a maximum of items that can show. You’ll need to play around with what that max is for your screen size, but that’ll prevent the list from showing all records. Then you’ll want to sort it to show the most relevant items (usually newest first, but it depends) and then add a “See all…” button underneath the list that takes them to another screen with the full list.