Web app dashboard

Is it possible to display a the contents of a list without going to another page?
Like, if list in the side clicked, content will be displayed in the prepared field.
Still cant find a way for this.

Hi Kim,

You mean show that record’s details in the list and without going to another screen to see the details? Then you can add text components into the list and fill them from magic text. But you can add many text components in the Custom List for now.

And maybe this post by Mario will also help you for create you Dashboard!

Hope I understood your question correctly!

All the best!

Thank you


Thanks for the reply dilon,
I actually working on a e commerce app, done with the mobile app for users, now im working on a web app for admin user to manage orders.

To manage the orders, i want to see who make the order, what are the ordered items, where to deliver, etc.

So i came up with a screen where in the left is a list of orders, and if clicked, it will send the asked data and display it in the prepared text field in the right side of the screen (same screen).
Is it possible?

Great, you can make a page that is only for admin> true … there you make a list of orders, with order number, amount paid and the customer … when the admin clicks on the list it sends it to another page that is see order, there you have all the details of the order… day of the order, client, items of the order, total price, and all the information that the client charged in the order… inslucive you can also make a list of order states and the admin can update the order example: the order was accepted, the order went out and delivery, the order is ready to pick up, etc … you make a status dropdown and a button that says update status with an action update current order> status> dropdowne select … so the customer can see the status of the order and the admin can filter the list of orders according to status.

I leave you this app that I made so you can get some ideas… client panel and admin panel

Desk version

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Thanks for your idea santiago, though i still cant figure out the one i want to achieve, but you answer one of my problems, “order status” . I will definitely try your idea. Muchismas grasyas!


I understand what you’re trying to do.

You want a left sidebar menu of orders and an information panel on the right that displays order information.

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Add a number input to the screen. Rename it “Order # Input” and set the default value to 0. Hide the input under a rectangle or make it transparent by deselecting background, border, and set the text and placeholder text color transparency to 0.

Add your list of orders on the left below the input.

Set an action to update the input to the current order #.

Add another list on the right side of the screen to display more information. You can add a list within the list of order items.

So here I have a list of orders where order # is equal to order # input with a visibility setting where order # input is not equal to 0. Set the maximum to 1.

Last, I added this “Select an order to continue” to display if the order # input is equal to 0.


This is great :+1: thanks a lot.
I will try this one out.

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