Deck swiper not available

Please advise if there is a deck swiper as i cannot seem to find one or is there a similar function under a different name?

Please can someone advise me on this.

Hi @beekhout,

Welcome to the community!

@Michael has created a one!

There’s a one that created by Pragmaflow too! It works great when I checked it last time. But now didn’t tried again. You can try too! : There was a issue when installing components from Pragmaflow’s site. If you can try downloading it from GitHub or you can send me a DM and I’ll send a email and you can add that email to your team and I’ll add that component to your team!

Hope this helps!

Thank you

Hi Dilon,

Thank you for your advice. I have tried completing a download via github however I cannot seem to figure out how to add this as a component into Adalo.

I tried finding you within Adalo to send a dm however I do not see anywhere beside the community list.

Please kindly assist here.

Check this post by @James_App_Maker : Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end - #48 by James_App_Maker

I think it’s because you are new to this community! I will send a DM with my email!

Thank you

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