@Jeorge Follow these steps:
- Are you on a Windows computer? Install this:
If you’re on a Mac or Linux, continue reading
- Open a terminal on your computer and type in the following:
git clone https://github.com/pragmaflowinc/adalo-geolocation
You would replace the text after “git clone” with the URL component you want to clone. In this example, we’re using GitHub - pragmaflowinc/adalo-geolocation
- Then, you would cd into the folder
cd adalo-geolocation
To make sure you don’t get any errors, open Visual Studio Code, open the adalo-geolocation component foder, then go into
and change the component name to whatever you want. -
Go back to the terminal and enter these commands:
npx adalo login
Login with your adalo email and password. You should see a “Login successful” message
npx adalo publish
Make sure to click on “private”
- Continue by following these instructions by Adalo: