DESPERATELY need video player

Hello everyone. Are y’all familiar with the video player adalo provides? It requires a thumbnail, making it essentially useless for regular use. Does anyone have an equivalent video player without the thumbnail?
I just want the thumbnail of the video to be the first frame of the video like most commonly seen.
I have already published on the app store and would hugely benifit from this function.
Thanks, any help highly appreciated.

Yes We Truly Need This. I had wanted Adalo to create a new component that can play audio from a YouTube video link. These same principals are what’s keeping Adalo from being it’s best. Adalo, If your listening, Please make a new more customizable video player!!!

Welcome to the community @Jmark! :partying_face:There’s no component as far as I’m aware that generate the thumbnail automatically. Maybe @njimmy10, @gskachkov, @knight, @Michael, @James_App_Maker component devs can build a one. ( Sorry guys for tagging you’ll. Just wanted to let you guys know.)

Until someone creates a component, we can use @gskachkov video component plus a API ( in this case Appyhub API would be good) which I’m using and it works well. So when uploading the video, you run the API and store the image url that the API gives in a text property. Then you can use the component adding that property as the thumbnail from magic text.

I’m not sure if the image url that API gives will show when added that to the thumbnail property in the current video player because I haven’t tested that but I guess it should work and you can give a try.

@Darren21, same goes so there’s no component for that. I guess you could use a API that input the YouTube url and get the output as a mp3. Just found these APIs : YouTube to mp3, Youtube to MP3 Downloader · Apify

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