Video preview first frame in video list


I want to create videos on my phone, upload them to a video list and thent want to be able to preview the list with the first frame of the video all I get right now is a black screen. Is there any way to do this? Everything else works. Thank you

Welcome to the community @brecht.d! :partying_face:

With a HTML code this is possible but since there’s no component to add the code and show it, this method is unavailable in Adalo.

Either you have to upload the first frame as a image when uploading the video or you can use a API. ( not sure about a available custom component)

I have done this in the past with the help of ApyHub API which you can pass the video and get the frame as a image url at any duration. So call the API > store the image url that API gives in a text property > in the video component for the thumbnail, add that text property from magic text.

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