Good video options?

I’m new to Adalo but have used a number of no/low code app builders. I am rebuilding an app from a different platform and have been really happy with Adalo with the exception of one thing. I am hoping to build an app where users can submit a Youtube or Vimeo link and have it show up in a feed. As far as I can tell there is no good way to do this? The existing methods don’t work for what seems like a really basic use case.

  1. Web Embed - Need an embed code, which is harder to get and a bad option for users.
  2. Plyr - Seems to only work with .mp4 links
  3. Youtube component - YouTube only and doesn’t respect time codes in links.

Am I missing something, or is there really no solution to play videos from standard sharing links?

Talking about first question, can’t say nth. Second - I don’t know, but form amazonS3 bucket video url is working with Adalo video player. Thierd - I can say many stuff which don’t work or work really not good in Adalo, but YouTube player looks good. What we want from YouTube player? That he would show to us video’s with short and long YouTube url’s. In mobile all using short url. And it’s working. And most important - Adalo done it till end - they are filttering text, if there is YouTube url they are getting video ID and puting it in YouTube player and it’s working.

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