Display existing database field text in form

I have a form for updating existing fields. I don’t want to force user to copy paste existing info to update it. How do I make existing data easy to update?

You can set the default text to link to the existing field using the magic text.

I’m not seeing how to do magic text in a form. I found Magic Text - Adalo Resources

Sorry, form seem to be only for creating new records. I’n using input boxes to edit existing data.

Thank you Ajay!!! This seems to work. Is there a tutorial on how to save the input data to the database? I wish the field could be multi-line with field to set number of lines.

Just found styles in multi-line as well as height control. Now I just need to figure out the saving part.

Got it figured out! Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

@timatrecoveryprofile you can use a form to update a record as long as the screen it’s on has access to the current record you’re trying to edit.