Download picture from URL

Hi all,

I have linked Facebook to Adalo, which works
just fine.I use the pictures URL from Facebook to show the image.
The problem is, that Facebook links expire over time. So my posts
Just show up with no picture. So I need to find a solution
Where I download the picture first and then link it
to the post.

Any suggestions to get that done?


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Hi all, I still haven’t figured out a solution. I was considering something like integrating cURL to download the picture from the link in the Adalo Database. And store it into another entry in the database. Hope this makes sense?


Hi, did you find a solution. Having similar issues here.

I think with You can do it with their Flow. You need Link FB to Adalo but between add a Image Hosting services OR perhaps you don’t need use this if Make download the images and push it to the Adalo Database’s field IMAGE.

I use everyday but I never tested this to be honest.

Yep, I did this I used the HTTP get image from URL or something.