I added this fake address to my user database and then it gave me the successful reset message, so I do believe the “error” that has “occurred” is that the email address is not registered.
Is there a way to edit this to say that (“This email address is not registered.” or “Invalid email address”)? It seems more helpful for a user to realize they may have made a typo or used the wrong email address (or forgotten that they’d deleted their account, as I did when testing, which is why I discovered this message). I did go into advanced settings for this action but it does not appear an editing option exists:
Unfortunately, it’s not possible to modify password reset screen - it is hardcoded in Adalo itself.
Although you can build your own password reset flow. This has been discussed on the forum extensively, I’ve built one of the examples as well https://youtu.be/kQ3v_-us2as (please pay attention to notes).
Ok, thank you for confirming. I will request this update. I did see some of the threads about building your own and appreciate the link! I will put this low on my list of tasks to do