Getting a lot of Error 429 with Adalo API. Anyone experiencing the same? Thank you.
Yup. Me too all afternoon. FYI, this happens about every two weeks or so. API stops functioning, we get an apology from a higher-up without any offered solution, rinse and repeat.
This is single-handedly the main reason why I’m considering moving over to another platform.
Hey @anon28807528 @JL_LJ,
Are you guys still experiencing this issue?
Hi @James_App_Maker ,
Yes, even now I doing FETCH to get single records and I get same error.
Hey Jorge,
This should be fixed.
Thanks @James_App_Maker, seems to be working now.
Yeah to give you a little detail from what was happening…
“ We think an app was hitting the API too hard and bringing down the server. The Collections API should be back online now”
Oh wow, must be a big app to put everything down . That app should pay us compensation
Hey @anon28807528 !
I want to get you a much more detailed and thorough explanation for this. I agree our answers here have not been ideal, and our plan for the future have been less than stellar as well. I will rattle some cages internally and get a solid explanation and plan for the community by Wednesday. (The team will be majority off line Monday).
Thanks @ben1 would be great to have more details.
Is there a plan for the future to have API running filters on Fields (Similar to Airtable with FilterByFormula) by passing values in the query? This could reduce load in the call size (100) to only what we specifically need.
Having only 2 options GET ALL and GET by ID is not optimal as I need to GET ALL and only after filter and the “id” is not accessible out of the box in the “frontend”.
Hey @JL_LJ,
I’m not sure what the timeline of something like that would be, but agreed it would be a good addition long term. The interesting thing is that the size of the response is actually not the biggest load as far as I understand. It’s quantity and throughput of requests.
There are certainly things we can do, but I’m not the expert by any means here, and it’s outside of my scope, but I can definitely get and relay info back and forth.
I get them on a daily basis - no rhyme or reason. This makes it very difficult to manage. I’m creating a single record in a collection with Integromat…
Not sure how much of this is down to Integromat or Adalo but I suspect Adalo.
Any ideas anyone?
I need this to work and have a failsafe as it is syncing a table in Airtable and a collection in Adalo and they need to be the same.
If I process the integromat queue again - it works as if no problem ever existed. Very weird.
I have same issue, use Airtable and XANO and need to make sure they syncronize, maybe a way to go is using a cron job to keep both sides update, by https://www.easycron.com/.
Still depending on Integromat, but you can use the cron job to make a webhook request, then get all records, and the use a filter and router to update the info on both sides or one.
Thanks @ben1 , but it would definitely help in getting the data we need and not depend on the 100 records and offset. Yes the concurrent requests and quantity would make more sense, agreed.
I’ve had no ability to update records through the API for a few days now. I can perform GET functions just fine. Anyone else seeing - [400] Request failed with status code 500 ?
I just submitted a ticket.
So far for me today, POST and PUT are working fine.