ERROR: Error during fastlane build: Error: fastlane exited with error code 1 (signal: null)

I am getting error codes like this. I do not know what to do. Please let me know. Thank you in advance.
ERROR: Error during fastlane build: Error: fastlane exited with error code 1 (signal: null)


stdout | [08:52:48]: An error occurred while verifying your certificates and profiles with the Apple Developer Portal.

stdout | “errors” : [ {
stdout | “id” : “e2871ebe-c81f-4d3e-b477-159794163aa5”,
stdout | “status” : “409”,
stdout | “code” : “ENTITY_ERROR”,

stdout | [08:52:49]: fastlane finished with errors

stderr | /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.6.0/gems/fastlane-2.211.0/spaceship/lib/spaceship/connect_api/api_client.rb:199:in `handle_response’: [!] { (Spaceship::UnexpectedResponse)
stderr | “errors” : [ {
stderr | “id” : “e2871ebe-c81f-4d3e-b477-159794163aa5”,
stderr | “status” : “409”,
stderr | “code” : “ENTITY_ERROR”,

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