Exporting what the user sees on screen (as an image)

Hey guys!

I want to let users “export” a part of what they see on-screen (as a PNG/JPEG). Each user will see a different visual, based on things they did before on the website. For the “Results” page, I want them to have a “DOWNLOAD” button and that button will generate a PNG/JPEG with what they see there.

Please contact me with your offers to develop something like that.


Hi Tom, I don’t know about images, but I can make the user able to print what he sees on the screen or convert it to pdf, if that suits you, contact me,


Hi Tom, I have a way for doing it, if you wanna check it, here’s a link: desktop screenshot

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Hey there @TomBlue

This is possible with PragmaFlow’s Arbitrary Javascript component. You can install it here: https://adalo.pragmaflowservers.com/install-component

There’s even a tutorial video on how to capture the screenshot: Automatic screenshots.mp4 on Vimeo

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