Filter with dropdowns

I just watched a video that shows how a Filter (Search) using dropdown works:

When I used the clone app from the video, my dropdowns reset as soon as I move 2 screens over. The video clearly shows that the Filter values do not reset even when the user moves 2 screens away & moves back to the Filter screen (timestamp 3:18).

Now I am really confused.

Just a note: I am seeing this on the previewer.

Hi @eduscvs,

In the past I also faced the same issue : Multiple Custom Filters - #5 by paige.scholes Not sure if this is a bug or only happens with the previewer. ( Maybe @Adalo_CXTeam can confirm ) The values only stay up-to 2 screens based on my experiments!

I guess storing the values in the users collection and using user properties in the filters will be great here!

Thank you

@ dilon_perera

Hi Dilon

Yes that is a good idea but looking forward…the Filter values will still be reset in the dropdown but the list will still be filtered as now the values are taken from User properties. This might cause some confusion to the user. To avoid this I need to show the filter values above the list as an indication of active filters to the user. This means more actions…etc

I hope the “reset” is just in prevewer but I have seen the video (in my post) that shows the Filter (search) values remaining even though the user moves 3 screen forward & then back. The creator of the video was showing the previewer too!

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