Fixed Width Image Size

Hi All, quick hopefully simple question.

I’m trying to do a list of images The images are of different sizes (some are portrait orientation, some are landscape). What I’m looking to do is have the images all the same width, and have the list item expand vertically to fit the taller images. But I can’t figure out how to do this. The images keep resizing giving me padding at the size of portrait images, and at the top and bottom of landscape images.

Here is what I’ve got:

And here is what I want (mocked up in photshop):

Can anyone help me figure out how I would do this?


@BarryB this is not possible today, you only have an option to show either full image in the list window with padding or crop the image to fill the list window.

It would be good to have that auto-scaling feature :slight_smile:

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Thanks @bhanu that is good to know. You saved me a lot of searching for a solution.



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