PLEASE can someone send any possible way or just ideas as to how we can SOMEHOW get geolocation from our users to optimize their profile at like even a very rudimentary level when they create their profile… just a Geolocation Redirect even for their location and address when they have to fill out a form… please I will seriously pay for the answer if someone can help. Thank you so much seriously.
This feels more like a feature request than a support issue.
FYI, geolocation field appears to be on the roadmap. Additional Database Property Types | Voters | Adalo
I understand but I’m just asking for any work arounds… if anyone can help me with any ways to possibly do it because it’s not actually impossible when you consider other integrations with the plethora of all the other tools available that people haven’t integrated yet with Adalo.
Is Adalo itself offering geolocation at this moment? No. But it doesn’t mean you cannot find a solution provider and integrate that solution with your Adalo!!! Help guys share ideas I would love it so much…
At the moment, you can’t. When we will be able to receive response of the custom actions, you’ll be able to get the coordinates (approx.)
Yes but what about using for example can we integrate with them because they automatically use geolocation for every customer who visits the locations page of your app and optimizes it within the 5 - 10 or 25 mile radius mapview of the locations nearest to you. So I can use it to help the user experience and direct them to the stores closest to their current location retrieved by the zip code associated with the ip address… there must be a way to use storepoint on Adalo! Thoughts?
and @ChristopheHK thank you so so much for the response i greatly appreciate it. I would appreciate it if you could PLEASE shed some light on what the earliest likely release of the beta of the custom actions feature which has the geolocation functionality would be released? thanks so much again… very appreciated.
@seanmodd Hi Sean,
depending on your use case, you can try something like .
This service derives the location from the IP address:
This is the mechanism behind all this ads like “People are getting made about this XYZ in your city”.
(Which can be quite ridiculous, when you have ads for 5G phones in a region, where people have any max 3G, usually Edge on old Nokia phones.)
As we do not have access to the sensors via Adalo yet, this works when the user has an internet connection.
There is one downside:
If you are using VPN, your Iocation will be the one of your VPN provider’s service locations.
When I use in a webview in Adalo and open it on my iPad with running VPN it shows my location as Frankfurt, which is actually the location of my VPN provider backbone.
Depending on your scenario you could pull the users IP location via a custom action from and store it with the user collection to have defaults available for the user to maintain his/her profile.
There might be other options with the mixpanel integration, I did not check in detail:
@Ben @jeremy As we now have the Analytics per app available: The IP address/location of the logged in user is probably already available. Is it possible to make this transparent - as advanced options - in the user profile? Or did you skip storing detailed user information due to privacy, GDPR discussions?
Just checked it with custom action:
Actually it looks like we need to get the IP from the device (which we don’t have yet) to use
I tried within custom action, but get the server AWS server location in Virginia, where obviously Adalo is hosted.
So it looks like no real workaround for now.
Damn. I love the input still @karimoo It’s much much much appreciated!
@seanmodd this might work depending on where in the world you are and the accuracy you need- in the UK Postcodes are at a street level and I just ask the user for their postcode on registration and send that to TomTom’s geolocation service (Google has the same service) and it sends me the coordinates of the centre of the street. I use triangulation to then work out approximate distances between people.
So do you know if the next Adalo Geolocation feature would/could rely on GSM antenas… ?
rather than IP (which can be uneficient behind a VPN)
*People are getting mad about getting Adalo Awesome Geolocation feature in *your city
I hope there will be a free component in the upcoming marketplace.
1/ dumping all IP ranges of your country in an Adalo Collection…
…then compare your User IP to those
even if that could be done, its no usefull for a precise direction,…just global country access.
2/ Have your user open their Whatsapp acount and use its Location feature (android) to send it to you - precision starts a 60 feet for a very quick capture.
…pay them a coffee when they do so !
(…as for me, I prefer beer )
such a cool system, work the same for Brasil (and Portugal I guess) their CEP code points to each street…
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