Google Maps Problem

Hi, I have a problem with Google maps, I have a simple app with the long and lat from the users with the PW component, when I want to put the users ubication in a Google Map component all the time the map is in New York. I was talking with support but nobody help me…!!!

Hi Gustavo,

I’m not sure about this. Adalo Support will get back to you soon! Just for information. Did you try using the Pragmaflow Driving Directions component?


Instructions to download :

Thank you

Thank you but yes. But I think you can’t show a list of users in the map by Lat and Long. I think my solution is with integromat for example an a service to convernt coordenates in adress.

I also have the same issue. It will search addresses but it wont search LAT, Long anymore. I has worked for 5 months for me but not anymore! ADALO PLEASE ADVISE.

PragmaFlow Adalo Toolkit is Very Useful To Solving Google Map Location Traffic Problem and Also Help in Other Factors.

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