Help! Login after creating user

Hi all!

I am new to Adalo and have a question on login in. Is it possible to have a user signing up with email and create password and have that user automatically logged in after signing up? Opposed to asking again for email and password right after someone signed up.

To be clear the flow I am looking for is: Insert email > create password > Sign up > automatically logged in versus Insert email > create password > sign up > ask for email > ask for password>login

Many thanks!!!

By default once the user signs up they are logged in.


What James said is correct and adalo makes it easy for you but if you want user to go to the Log-In page after signing up is to link user a loading screen remove Log-In then make sure go to Log-In page and ask that user to Log-In.

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Would be Users Sign in>User goes to loading screen where it logs out user>Goes to Log-In screen to log in>Goes to homepage.

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Thank you so much @James_App_Maker and @B0untiful_26 ! I was going insane trying to understand this :slight_smile:

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