Help with a project or looking for a job, Помогу с проектом или ищу работу

Всем привет много изучал Адало и много приложений уже создано столько же и опубликовано, знаю большое количество обходов и разработок модулей и функций, готов платно под бизнес взять проекты или у кого много проектов готов взять на взаимно выгодных условиях моя почта

Hi all,
I’m an Adalo expert and I’m looking for somebody who can bring me clients who need apps (web or mobile),
the person(s) who will join me on this will be paid in percentage from the projects themeselves, I want to have a win-win type relationship with whoever wants to do this with me,

Event if you are already an Adalo expert and have too much clients I would be glad to work with you on taking more projects,

If intersted just send me a message and we’ll talk about it over a call on google meet,

Thanks for your time.