Help with database filtering via check boxes


Id like to create a filtering system as follows.

I want to have a database of a bunch of bacteria. All those bacteria, i want to assign what their biochemical test results are. For example, bacteria 1 is coagulase +, indole -, catalase + etc… Bacteria 2 is coagulase -, indole -, catalase - etc ect.

Then there is a list of all the biochemical tests, the page will look like this:

Catalase + - ?
Coagulal + - ?
indole + - ?
urease + - ?
etc + - ?
etc + - ?
etc + - ?

Users will have a bacterial sample (they dont know what it is), and they will perform tests on it, and they will tick the boxes if the result is +, -, or unknown (id like the unknown option to not effect filtering, it will basically not cause the list to be influenced by forcing the user to enter + or -).

Then at the end, they press submit button, and based on ALL the test results, a list will be filtered down to whatever bacteria(s) meet the checked boxes.

Please see this link for exactly what i want: Online identification of Gram positive cocci

if someone out there is willing to help, but doesnt fully understand what i want, im more than happy to try and explain it better.

I would be so grateful if someone could please explain how to do this, i’m familiar with Adalo, but not sure how to execute this


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