Help with One-Time PDF Generation & Storage in App record

Hi all,

I’m developing an app for aquaculture process documentation that includes taking photos at various stages and capturing a digital signature. These processes are tied to records with user-specific permissions. My aim is to generate a PDF for each completed process, enable the user to download and send it out, and archive it inside the app for integrity and safety, ensuring the document cannot be altered or regenerated retrospectively.

The challenge I’m facing is with the PDF generation tools available, which seem designed to create a new PDF upon each request. This doesn’t meet my need for a single, unchangeable PDF that’s generated and stored immediately after a process is completed, capturing the data as it was at that moment, not allowing for future alterations.

Does anyone have experience or suggestions for tools within Adalo that support this kind of one-time, secure PDF generation and storage functionality in app? I’m looking for a solution that ensures once a process is documented, the PDF remains as is, stored as a pdf file in the respective record for that process, securing no option for future modifications.

Appreciate any advice you can share!

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