Is there a way to generate a PDF of content. For example to create an invoice or quote in PDF form?
Hey! Right now in Adalo you can upload PDFs to your app (both internally from the database view as well as letting your users upload their own PDFs from inside your app).
Those PDFs can then be viewed in a webview inside your app.
Is that what you’re going for?
how?? how can we do it??
You can use a File Picker
component to upload PDF documents, and if you have access to that record, you can setup an action Link > Website
to the PDF > URL
This isn’t the solution I’m looking for. The original post was if there was a way to generate a PDF not simply have the ability to upload or download a PDF. For example if you created an accounting system and you wanted to export an invoice or purchase order as a PDF.
Okay, I’m sorry for misinterpreting your question. Adalo does not currently support generating PDFs and it isn’t currently on our roadmap, but you can submit a feature request here
@vismonkey did you find a workaround or anyhow a way to generate the pdf the way you were looking for? I have the same need and it’d be great to know how you did it!
You can do it using Google Docs. Generate it there and get it on Adalo using Zapier Integration
hi can you teach me how to use trigger in adalo to use my zapier to googlesheet?
my zapier and google test succesfully and it’s already Zap on… but after that i dont know the next step
Hi everyone,
I’m currently trying to get a whole screen with diagrams (web app) into an pdf file. Is there a way to do that with zappier as well? I’m not quite sure how to start. Thanks in advance!
Hey all
is there any way to create a export button in the app to create a pdf file with all the data. Would help a lot if its available. Thanks in advance
You would have to find an external api that could handle this for you as there are no native features in ADalo to do that.
I think this might help for now.
Go to the Screen you want to create PDF (Only in PC’s)
- Click Command P
- Click PDF Drop Down Menu and Select Save as PDF
- Make sure the data fits to the screen.
This helps for saving Invoices, Booking Lists etc
Yo Maddy do you have any tutorials or documentation on this that I can check out?
I’m using Eledo PDF. It works great, template setup is easy, and they have excellent support. You can use their API directly or go through Integromat or Zapier.
It is also possible to use PDF Generator API via Integromat to generate dynamic documents.
PDF Generator API now has an official Adalo Component available, you can find it from the Marketplace.
Looks like a fantastic solution but very pricey… The starter plan is more than an Adalo Pro membership itself. Not a great option for a startup in infancy.