I am working on an app, in a part of the app. I have made a property called “User input” in my Users collection. I want user to type in email in an text input and then after clicking a button, the email input provided should be updated in the User input property. But the main problem comes in as, I dont want a single email input in the “User input” property.
For example, If I enter “test@testcom” in the text input and submit it by button. It then should get updated to the “User input” property. So at this point my “User Input” property in database should look like ""test@testcom
ALSO, if the same user (lets say after 5 mins) now enters a different email “test1@test1com”, THEN “User Input” property in database should now contain “test@testcom , test1@test1com”.
So at the second time, the “test1@test1com” shouldnt replace the value before but instead get added to the previous value like mentioned in example above. I am not getting how to do it, as I can only find options to “Update” which basically replaces the older value. Can anyone help?
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