Image is attached to explain what I want to do. It took me awhile to figure the “Change Input Value” action ONLY works for input boxes.
However, I want to update a regular text box’s value from “No” to “Yes”, based on a true/false value in the database. Is there a work around. I’ve checked the internet and can’t find anything. Maybe I’m using the wrong keywords. If anyone happens to know anything, please a drop a link that I can check out. I appreciate the help.
Change input value is for Text Input Boxes. For this you can do like this.
With a hidden text input.
With Visibility conditions.
Two text components and one is Yes and other one is No. And Yes is visible if the true/false property is true. And No is visible if the true/false property is false. And then group that two text components.
Hi @luvinmeluvinu, what I usually do in this case, is either change the true/false value in the database to a text value which contains the text “No” or “Yes”. Or create two labels (one with Yes, one with No) which have a conditional visibility based on the boolean value in the database.