Update Text Box Value based on Database

Image is attached to explain what I want to do. It took me awhile to figure the “Change Input Value” action ONLY works for input boxes.

However, I want to update a regular text box’s value from “No” to “Yes”, based on a true/false value in the database. Is there a work around. I’ve checked the internet and can’t find anything. Maybe I’m using the wrong keywords. If anyone happens to know anything, please a drop a link that I can check out. I appreciate the help.

Hi @luvinmeluvinu,

Welcome to the community :partying_face:

Change input value is for Text Input Boxes. For this you can do like this.

With a hidden text input.

With Visibility conditions.

Two text components and one is Yes and other one is No. And Yes is visible if the true/false property is true. And No is visible if the true/false property is false. And then group that two text components.

Hope this helps!

Thank you

Hi @luvinmeluvinu, what I usually do in this case, is either change the true/false value in the database to a text value which contains the text “No” or “Yes”. Or create two labels (one with Yes, one with No) which have a conditional visibility based on the boolean value in the database.


Two text boxes with their corresponding values.

You set the visibility of each according to the value of the property (true/false).

Only show this box if the property is true. Only show the other box if the property is false.

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