How to build a +1/-1 counter?

I’m looking to build two icons that either +1 or -1 and then display a # total somewhere.



Here is a visual example of what im trying to do.

I’d like the plus sign to just increase the # … same for a minus sign to decrease the number.

Number to increase should be stored in user collection. Add action in the collection to update the user log in information


Hi @marklive :wave:

You can create a Number property in your Users collection and add a Update action to the + button Update Logged in User > created Number property and add Logged in User created number property + 1.

And for - button you can add a Update action Update Logged in User > created number property and add Logged in user created number property -1.

And you can add a text component and add Logged in user > Created number property to display the count.

Here’s a example app I created.

Hope it helps.

Thank you


This worked for what i need. Thanks again!

1 Like

Superb and your welcome :+1:

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