How to connect the database of an Adalo Webapp to Adalo mobile App

I have an Adalo mobile App. I want to create an Adalo Web App and connect it’s database to the mobile app’s database.

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Hi @mohit51196,

Have you seen this section: How to Share a Database Between Apps - Adalo Resources?

On the step 4 you need to select “Blank Template”.

Best regards, Victor.

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HI, I understand your problem . I research for you.Find you best solution in my views.

You have to Follow these steps:-

  1. Navigate to the top of the Adalo screen and click on the dropdown menu.
  2. Click to “Create New App”
  3. Select whether you want a mobile or web app.
  4. Select a Template type and give it a name.
  5. Go to “Advanced Options”
  6. Click to share a database.
  7. Select the database you want to share.