So I created a collection containing 5 properties and I want to know if it is possible to display the properties of a particular record in a list
Hi @TelloNii
Welcome to the community
You mean show only first skill of that user or show all skills?
Thank you
Show all skills of that user in a list
OK so you can add a Custom List and add text properties ( in your database there are 4 skills so you can add 4 text components ) and add the collection of the list to the skills collection and add the filter as Logged in user > Skills ( Then that user’s skills are displaying) and rename the text properties to current skill first skill, second skill etc.
Hope it helps!
Thank you
I tried that earlier but it didn’t work in the way I expected it to
How do you want like?
I created a app and you can check.
Hope it helps!
Thank you
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