List over properties in a collection

Is it possible to show a list over all properties in a collection?
Lets say I have a collection like this:

–Data point 1
–Data point 2
–Data point 3
–Data point 4

How do I show a list like this:
Data point 1
Data point 2
Data point 3
Data point 4

Is my question unclear? Or does no one have the answer? It would be really great to get some help here

Hi @Eccles,

Lists in Adalo are used to display multiple records from a collection.
If you would like to display multiple properties from the single record, you need to manually add the corresponding text labels for each property.


Thank you for your answer.

So, lets say I have a statistics app that are used to display statistics. I have one collection called Data which contains all statistics in different properties. On the Home Screen in my app, I want users to be able to choose which statistics they want to see from a list. When they select a statistic from the list, they should then be taken to a new screen where they can view the relevant statistics.

Is this possible to achieve, and if so, How is it done?

Hi @Eccles,

I have one collection called Data which contains all statistics in different properties.

You are missing one important point here: records. Collections’ structure is defined by properties, but actual data is stored in records; and each record, in turn, can store values for one or several properties. First you need to present a user with a list of records, and then you can display properties for a certain record.

Frankly speaking, this conversation is very abstract and it is difficult to give any meaningful advice without knowing the details. There best way of implementation depends on the task.

For example: if you would like to display general statistical information for the US states, then probably the best way would be to have a “States” collection, with properties like “State Name”, “area”, “population”, etc. Then you add the record for each state, and on a home page you display a list of States, with a link to another page where you display properties’ values for Current State.

But there could be another approach, where each data point is stored in a separate record in a designated collection, and is categorized appropriately (with the relation to some category or simply by some id). The closest example will be a list of closed sales deals for a team. Here you add each deal separately, and then in order to see the statistics for a certain team member you have a list of team members and then list of deals filtered by this member.

So implementation way depends on your task.


Again for taking the time. I will try to be more spesific for my use case.

So, in my case, I get a spreadsheet that updates aprox once a day.
It is structured like this (but much more lines and rows):

Name Value 1 Value 2 Value 3 Value 4 Value 5 Value 6 Value 7 Value 8 Value 9
Name 1 0 0 232223 0 0 -1 1 0 4
Name 2 58822 0 0 -1 1 0 2
Name 3 50 25 153256 0 0 -1 1 0 3
Name 4 0 0 438098 0 0 -1 1 0 3
Name 5 100 100 226597 0 0 -1 1 0 2
Name 6 219847 0 0 -4 4 0 3
Name 7 100 100 205651 0 0 0 0 1 4
Name 8 50 75 85955 0 0 -2 2 0 3
Name 9 440854 0 0 -2 2 0 2
Name 10 0 0 479683 0 0 0 0 0 3
Name 11 100 100 444145 0 0 -3 3 0 3
Name 12 100 100 205533 0 0 -1 1 1 4
Name 13 100 100 184029 0 0 -1 1 1 3
Name 14 0 0 167199 0 0 -2 2 0 3
Name 15 0 0 195735 0 0 -1 1 0 3
Name 16 225321 0 0 -4 4 0 1
Name 17 0 0 115918 0 0 0 0 0 1
Name 18 100 100 223340 0 0 5 -5 2 3
Name 19 100 100 462424 0 0 5 -5 0 2

I import this spreadsheet, and the collection looks like this:

My goal is then to let the user see all the properties displayed in a list like so:

And then let the user select a value to see all details:

Hi @Eccles,

What is fixed - quantity of names or quantity of values? Database structure depends on that.

In case that the quantity of names is fixed, quantity of values can be different and if your goal is to display names for a certain value. You can revert the logic and create a collection of values. There you will store all the names for each value. You create a list of values, then on the next screen you have “current value” and you can add text labels to display current value → name1, current value → name2, etc.

If quantity of values is fixed (Value1…10) and quantity of names is variable, then you can create a static set of labels / buttons for each value, set the temporary variable (e.g. in Users collection) to store the info which value have you chosen, and on the next screen you show the list of names with labels of all values, but these labels are conditionally visible.

  • you click on button “Value5”
  • you update Logged-in User → Selected Value text field and set it to VALUE5
  • on the next screen you have a list of names with text labels of all values
  • and on each label there is a condition to make it sometimes visible. On the label for value5 this condition looks like “Logged-in User → Selected Value is equal to VALUE5”.
  • as a result, only the label which matches the condition will be visible.

There is also a 3rd approach if you have variable number of names and values. I’d suggest using a separate collection for that and store each pair there. But this is a bit different story.
