How to lock comments INTO rectangle?

I have a custom list where users can add comments to a post. After the third comment, the comments are expanding out of the rectangle that the initial post is in. How do I automatically make the back rectangle expand as more comments are added?
Screen Shot 2022-07-12 at 11.19.44 AM

Make the rectangle bigger or limit the list to show only 3 comments at a time?

I’ve tried adjusting the size of the rectangle, but it stays that size. Meaning, if there are zero comments, the rectangle box is too large.

Is the rectangle part of the list?


You could play with visibility, making some elements disappear in the event of zero comments.

I think what you need is adding a rectangle behind the comments list and then group the components inside the comments list and remove that group from that list and delete that list and then remove that group from the main list too and then group that added rectangle and comment group and then make that group a list and connect it the comments collection and then group the components inside the main list that displays the posts and then remove that group from that list and delete that list and then keep that group and that comments list together and group it and then make that group a list and connect that to the posts collection and then you can add the magic texts again and add the filter for the comments list!

It will look something like this :

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