How to lock the screen when users click the button

How can we lock the screen when users click “Send” button at Chat App?

  • We have built a chat app.
  • Since the screen is not locked when users click “Send” button and so users always click Send button twice or more than that and the same messages arrive at the recipients.

Apparently that double message load is a chat bug.
@Ben @ashley Any update on that?

This could be useful in many cases. I notice some periods where there is a lag and therefore, the expected behavior doesn’t happen, causing them to hit a button again leading to unintended results. Is there a way to lock it until the actions of the last interaction are complete?

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I’ve been experiencing the same issue.

Me too. Is there any way to turn the button automatically into some loading animation maybe whenever user click?

I have the same issue, getting many duplicate entrys.