How to make Non-Responsive Web-App

Hi Adalo community :wave:

I’m building a Dashboard (Web-App) and I’m struggling with the responsiveness.

Responsiveness isn’t important at all.
Therefore, I would like to know if there is a way to avoid elements to move and make it all “static”.

Thanks for your help!


Hi @Flrn :wave:

To make your web app as a Responsive web app you can use this component created by @Michael .

Thank you

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Hi @Flrn,

Unfortunately, it’s not possible to disable the element responsiveness in Adalo.
It is built in a way that whether the component is responsive or not is decided automatically, for all app types - mobile or web.
You can make some components to be fixed-width and height, but this will heavily depend on the other components nearby.

Best regards, Victor.

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