Web app responsiveness

How do I make my web app responsive??
The web app looks terrible on mobile.



Web App responsiveness isn’t the best at the moment, there are tricks I’ve seen in other threads where people use rectangles to keep elements from moving around, also “nocodemonkey” has a plugin called Device Detector which apparently handles responsiveness very well.

I think the idea with Adalo is to easily package and publish apps to the app store, while not worrying about hosting. Also while being able to create a mobile app and a seperate web app, with sharing the same database, makes it great for easily hooking up the backend between the two.

Hope this helps you out, cheers.


@highlancer responsive is going to be improved soon.

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Hi @highlancer,

From my experience, now it is better to create 2 apps - one for web and another for mobile, the apps can share the same database.

Best regards, Victor.


If I make a different app for mobile
Will the URL be the same for both web app and mobile app?

A rectangle for every element?

Hi @highlancer,

No, you will need to have 2 separate URLs. Though you can have a “redirector” page, I can recall that someone on the forum posted the solution (can’t find it now, some search is needed).

Best regards, Victor.

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Things tend to push in from the right side, towards the middle. If you start building elements on the far left of screen and the far right of screen, then view them on smaller monitors or laptops, you’ll see the white space in the middle will decrease due to this.

So for example if you want a button to stay where you want it to be, create an invisible rectangle beginning at the left side and ending where the far right of your button ends. Group them together and your button shouldnt be forced to move to the edge of the screen on small devices because the rectangle is “there already” and your button is now part of that. You don’t need to do it for every element, but you could do it for groups of text or sections.

Complete responsiveness from building one single web app to also be used on mobile isn’t really achieveable at the moment, let alone desirable due to the fact that Victor mentioned. Give your users a semi responsive experience on desktop and then point them towards your native mobile app that shares the same data.

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any estimated time?
I have to launch my product.

Hey @highlancer,
We have a Device Detector component at NoCode Monkey that might help. You can send users to specific screens based off of the device size.

Try the Demo

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