How to send a list of different Notifications depending on the Category it belongs to?


I’m stucking again in the nocode dev of my application.

I want my Users to create Products. Each Product belongs to a Catogory.
I want to send Notifications to my Users, related to the Product’s Category they have created.

Each Category can have several Notifications. Each Notification will have its own scheduled sending time.

For now, I don’t find how to achieve it.

I created an Abracadalo account, to use their Notification API which allow scheduling. I know there is also a mean to do it through Zapier, but for now it seems easier to me with the Abracadalo interface. I’m curious of you feedbacks if you tried one or both of these options.

But the real deal for me is to find a solution to send a different list of notifications to the API, depending on which Category belongs the Product that my User just created.

What I would need to be sent would be the current products → category → notification → content.

And to make it more clear:

Hello community,

Does anyone have a bright idea on how to deal with my problem?