I cant see manually data

hi all,

i have a this problem(12.png) and i i came across the video(Adalo Tutorial: Most Common Mistakes - Current Data Missing From Screen, Data Loops and Flow Breaks - YouTube) but i cant see manually data.

what should I do?

In order for the data to show on this screen, all the screens in the red circle must also be sending the same data.

For example, Current User is not being sent from the T Turdetay screen. This means you have connection where a user can navigate from T Turdetay screen to the T Infdetay screen but it is unable to pass Current User. To correct this, you would need to make sure the actions navigating to T Infdetay screen contains Current User. Once that is done, you will be able to see Current User under Linked Data.

Current TALEPINF is missing for T Anasayfa AND T Turdetay screens. To correct this, you would need to make sure the actions navigating to T Infdetay screen contains Current TALEPINF

Current Tur is missing from T Anasayfa AND T Infliste screens. To correct this, you would need to make sure the actions navigating to the T Infdetay screen contains Current Tur.

Only data that comes from every possible connection can be used.

Does that help?

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