I want to limit one menu tab for a specific user

I create an app with adalo “Class Appointment” and I want to limit the user to not create classes unless having some privilege to do that or have a pending status until the admin has approved this class.
How I will do that please?


Hi @mohdhtm,

Option 1: for Users, have a True/False property “Is Admin”. If “Is Admin” = True, then user can create classes. Make an action which creates the class to be conditional (happens sometimes), if Logged-in User → Is Admin = True, then run this action. You can also add a 2nd action for Logged-in User → Is Admin = False, linking to a modal window with the text “You need to be an admin to create the class”.

Option 2: Allow creation of classes by everyone, but have a True/False property in the class, call it “Is Approved”. When user is creating the class, set “Is Approved” to false. Build a page for an admin user to approve classes.

Most probably you’ll use both options combined.

Best regards, Victor.

Thanks for the reply, and sorry for I will ask that
How to [quote=“Victor, post:2, topic:11044”]
Build a page for an admin user to approve classes.
[/quote] ?

Hi @mohdhtm,

You can just create a page which is accessible only by admin, put a list of “unapproved” classes there and make the button with action to approve them.

Reg. admin/user access - see this video, for example, for the inspitation: Adalo tutorials: admin and user access to different screens. UPDATE in the description - YouTube
It is not directly applicable in your case, but will help you understand how to set up different user roles and access rights.

Best regards, Victor.

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Thanks very much, it works

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