Image display issues in preview

Hiya anyone have any issues with what is shown in the editor displaying incorrectly in the preview?

I’m using the image component here resized from the original resolution 400x400 > 70x70



Hi Tito,

I think it’s because the image is resizing in the preview depending on the phone size. I think the best option is to built out all of it in Adalo. (instead of using an image, build it out in Adalo) :wink:

Ah ok that would make sense. And I would love to! But I need custom icons and this functionality isn’t available yet as far as I can tell.

Yup that was it, thx it was bugging me :). Know of a clever way to create the circle with inner dots? I guess I could group a few simple shapes?

Grid snapping to the rescue, hopefully this works. :crossed_fingers: Thx again

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