Issue with Adalo previewer (not showing a phone but a full screen)

In Adalo when I check “Preview” (top right corner), it used to show a phone, a mockup of a phone, so felt like actually previewing. Not anymore. Now shows a full screen (screeshot below).

How do I fix this? Is this something do with with some sort of setting relating to the new Responsive feature Adalo introduced or Adalo 2.0? How do I show a phone as before?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Hi @sweetapp21,

This thread might be useful for you: Please tell me how to use "Preview" rightly - #7 by Victor


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Thanks @Victor that answers my question (using: Chrome > “View” > “Developer” > “Developer Tools”) . P.s. I’m still not able to make it work the old way seeing a frame that looks like a phone, out of curiosity, that option is no longer available?

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