Integromat native support for Adalo's Collections

Integromat just launched native support for Adalo’s collections, wohoo!


@bhanu I can’t wait to start using integromat more often with Adalo collections. The possibilities right now are endless!

Amazing! :partying_face:

Trying it out, i keep running into the problem of not having access to the ID field, so theire is no way to update, delete, etc. I can watch the records, and then that’s about it.

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Thank you so much for sharing!

I am trying to have Integromat create a folder in Google Drive and copy the files that my user uploaded there.

Could anyone help me achieve this? I am willing to compensate you for your time.

Thank you!

@Rez this should be straight forward. You can use this 4 step approach to achieve your goal:

  1. Get a Record from Adalo
  2. Use Http module to download the file (Adalo will send the file url, you’ll need to download it first)
  3. Create a folder in Google Drive
  4. Upload a file (from step 2)

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@bhanu thanks for taking the time to respond and create an example!

Here is where I get stuck:

I have a collection named “Orders” and another collection named “Order Items” where I store files. One “Order” can have many “Order Items”, and an “Order Item” belongs to one “Order”).

Each “Order” has a True/False field called “Active” that’s set to True when the user submits the order.

Following your example, on step 1:

a) If I connect to my “Orders” collection, I can set Integromat to be triggered once an order is submitted, but I can’t retrieve the files that are stored in “Order Items”.

b) If I connect to “Order Items” collection, I can retrieve the file, but I am not able to trigger when the user submits.

I thank you in advance for reading this long message. How do you advise I proceed?

@Rez use both.

Trigger when the order is created and in step 2, retrieve the details based on the created order from order items.

Now you have order items file based on the order just created and remaining steps follows.

@bhanu This is what I came up with. Are we thinking the same thing?

Yup, you’re right! This should work

@bhanu almost there, but I keep getting an error at HTTP. Any clue of what can be the issue?

Here’s how I have things set up:

@Rez 2 things you need change:

at 00:55 seconds, you need to pass the image url (not the image file) - Get a File in HTTP module will download the image from the url.

at 2:02, both your file image & image url is empty, that’s why the step is throwing an error. Please check the records to make sure this is not empty.

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I figured it out after playing with it all day long!!!

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction, @bhanu, let me know if I can ever be a resource for you.

@Rez glad that worked for you! Cheers

@bhanu Can you help us(@Ocean and I) figure this one out?

I’m trying to sync Airtable into Adalo and the Record ID is the hangup here.

Any help would be absolutely killer!

Hey @anon28807528

A little more detail would be helpful to understand the situation better.

Here’s what I could think based on your screenshot. You’re trying to watch all records in Airtable for any changes but updating only 1 record in Adalo.

That’s why integromat is asking which record (recordID) from Airtable would you like to update in Adalo.

Please share more information if possible, thanks!

Thank’s for the response! You’re onto it. I currently have Airtable API synced through AWS, then cached to Adalo to leverage internal collections features and to bypass Airtable 5 calls/per second.

Now that Adalo is baked into Integromat, I’m trying to bypass this method by using the above flow of - if anytime there’s an update in Airtable, update the internal Adalo collection of that element.

I think my solution is simple - I bring in Record ID’s to Airtable for reference.

Do you have Airtable RecordID stored in Adalo’s collections? How will you identify which record to update in Adalo?

If you have that information, here’s what you can do:

Step 1: watch records from Airtable

Step 2: based on the recordID, use “Get a record” from Adalo

Step 3: now you know the specific record to update in Adalo to pass the update information using “Update a Record”

PS: when there are more than 1 records to be updated, you may have to insert iterator module in between step 1 & step 2.

Let me know if this addresses your problem, thanks!