I’m close to completing my webapp and am getting fed up with the lack of consistency of the designs in Adalo, anyone else experiencing this?
For example, I’ve aligned this text and underline in the editor, but no matter how often I re-publish and reload, the design does not render as it should.
Anyone else having experienced this, and how did you solve this? This is my homepage, so I’m not able to release this app looking like that, and it’s frankly frustrating such basic functionality doesn’t work as advertised.
I can’t judge your skills, but my first impression is that this sounds like basic actions under layout (scaling and anchoring)
take your text and underline
Make sure they are hte same width
group them
In the separate components (the text, and underline) go to layout and give the following properties: Scale with group, and set the anchor the same on the components. From now on they should behave similar
go to your group > layout and pick what you need. Fixed, or Scale with screen. Based on your images i’d guess you go for fixed sizes. Group on Fixed. Anchor left/right
If you resize your screen inside the builder, you can see that your layout will not line up on any screen size but the exact pixel width you happen to have the builder screen set to:
When building for web it’s important to always stretch and shrink your screen in the builder to see how your layout settings will be applied.
Try the following to fix your setup:
Change your type to left aligned (yours is currently center aligned but your layout has it placed on the left)
Make your underline and your text the same width
Make your underling and your text have the same layout settings. The issue you’re seeing is because your line is fixed width and your text is set to scale.