Line chart with based on adalo collection

for doing a linechart with quickchart it i nescessary to handover multiple “datapoints” to quickchart.

see below: >>> data: [93, -29, -17, -8, 73, 98, 40],

type: ‘line’,
data: {
labels: [‘January’, ‘February’, ‘March’, ‘April’, ‘May’, ‘June’, ‘July’],
datasets: [
label: ‘My First dataset’,
backgroundColor: ‘rgb(255, 99, 132)’,
borderColor: ‘rgb(255, 99, 132)’,
data: [93, -29, -17, -8, 73, 98, 40],
fill: false,

with MagicText it is not possible to handover multiple datapoints to - MagicText only gives options for calculation “sum/average/min-max” of the datapoints …

how can i solve this problem?

p.s: the “line-Chart” from adalo - market place does not work because i want to show 2 sets of data in my line-chart …

many thanks in advance!

I need this too, actually I need to put the Chart on another collection to show labels and values dynamically.

Actually I can put the chart on any collection but there´s no any option to choose the field for the labels.

Any Help ?

You will need to save your data to match the pattern required by quickchart. So instead of having multiple records with each value, have a single record that holds all the values, separated by a comma.

Hi @anon78309838 , thanks for replying…

I don’t understand, could you give more details please?

In my case, I have a collection with 2 fields: Month and Value.

I would like to show this data only

did anyone figure this out? how to translate a list of values into a single line of text that is comma separated?