Link to new page from simple list

I created a simple list of food items I want filtered out when you type in the name of the item, and that works. But I also want to be able to select a food item so it takes me to a new page detailing what the food item is. Can I make simple list items clickable individually? It looks like I can only edit all these items at a time. Thanks in advance!
Screenshot 2024-07-17 130312

Yes you can. What you’re seeing in the editor is just an example of what the list looks like with 3 repeated rows. So long as the information for “Food database name” is pulled from a database you can create a click action.

Build a page that has the content (titles, content text, images etc). This will act as a dynamic page. Example page name - “Food details”

Once you have that, on the list menu on your original page, scroll to “click actions” and the. Select link - then choose the screen “food details”. This will link the data from the food you’ve selected and show all extra details

Sorry I’m not understanding, it’s only letting me add one link. I want to create many “Food details” pages depending on which item you select. Right now, no matter what food item you select it takes you to the same page. Example: I filter out popcorn from the list, but it takes me a chips listing instead.

The way Adalo works is that you would use the same detail screen for every item in your list.

  • First, add an action to your list to link to your one detail screen
  • Once you do this, you can access information about the “Current Record” in the flyouts on your detail screen. This will automatically fill the screen with info from the record the user clicked on. In your case, if you click on popcorn in the list, it’ll show the info about popcorn, and if you click on chips, the same exact screen will instead show info about chips.


Got it now, thanks!

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