Linking from a list to other relationship

I feel like there will be a super obvious answer for this, but I cannot seem to find it.


  • I created a Notification collection, that is linked to a Note collection (N:1)
  • Every note has a detail screen
  • I created a notification modal on the home screen (so no linked data), with a list of Notifications

Upon clicking on a notification it should land on the Current Note in the detail screen.
However I cannot seem to send what the current note is to the Note Detail screen.

Any thoughts?

You should link the note with the magic text. I mean that your note description has to be written in the record and as you click on the rectangle which is belonged to the list , every note has to appear in front of you like “current note”

Hi @Dr.Robot. I don’t fully understand.
Link what note exactly with what magic text exactly?

The notification should open another screen (the note detail screen), it shouldn’t show anything else in the notification than the actual notification text.

So it’s notification > note detail.
Not the note detail that should be shown within the current notification.

So if I understand well, I’ll try to be more precise. Once an user click on the notification it should appear a modal screen with the note inside ?

Try this : link the normal screen you’re talking about with a modal screen (called “note”) then place onto a text component and with magic text put the text you wanna be showed.

I hope you have understood and I was clear in explaining that .

Cheers :clinking_glasses:

Dr.Robot srls

The issue is that that page/modal is already existing, using the Note properties. Not the Notification > Note properties.

The user gets to it from the known UX:
Home > Overview of notes > Note detail.
So now I want to add Notification > Note detail (but the same note detail as listed above, not a duplicate screen, to avoid unnecessary complexity).

If I link the Notification to that Note detail screen now, it’s empty.

Does that make things more clear?

I think, in my modest hopinion , You need something like a “request permission” & “trigger notification” …isn’t it ?! In an other pov , i think a “count” it’s a good solution… ( i hope i understood you)

Hi @Judith,

When you have a flow “Notification” → “Note detail” screen, you will not get a Current Note on “Note detail” screen, because you don’t have access to Notes in the previous screen.

So either you create a 2nd separate screen for the flow above, same UI as Note Detail you have, but you use relationships from the Notificaiton record to display Note details.

Or you modify the list of Notifications, so that inside this list you have another single-item-list of Notes, filtered by Note → ID is equal to Current Notification → Note → ID. This solution is not recommended if you have a large list of Notifications, because it will create the same large number of lists of Notes (which will cause app slowdown).


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Super helpful thank you!
I am trying to see if I can store the Notifications in the Notes collection. Also not ideal, but UX-wise perhaps the best solution.

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