Lists disappear

Hello everyone!
We just started to use external database (Xano) and the lists disappear at every action. I want to mention that we are using the Free version of Xano to be sure we can build everything with external database.

Please check the video

This may be because you are on the free tier - I encountered the issue previously but didn’t notice it recently. This may be because I moved to a paid plan (not rate limited), but I can’t know for sure.

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Hi there, I have same issue and also with Xano Free instance, have you found any solution?

Hi @emvipy ! Yes, I fixed it. I upgraded my account to a paid plan. You must know that if you have build the database on free instance, when you upgrade your plan, you should reconnect all the databases to the app and edit all custom actions you made. This is because the API link is changing once you upgrade the plan.

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Great, thanks for the update!