Live Stripe Connect generate blank screen


I found a solution by using Stripe Connect API :

The principe :
Create a button for replacement Stripe Connect
Create 2 customs actions for requesting Stripe API (see below)
1/Use the Connect API to create your user’account
2/Generate the “Create account Link” for user Connect onboarding
3/Update your Stripe Id user
4/Open an external window with the “account link” generated in step 2.

In picture :

Params request for the first request :
![Capture d’écran 2021-10-20 à 20.41.28|690x431]
In Authorization header, you must set the value : Bearer sk_yoursecretkey live or test

You can find all params on this page
Then test, if you did no mistake, you must see a result and you can see a new user in your Connect Stripe account

2/ create the onboarding link
Create a new Custom action
Use this doc : Using Connect with Standard accounts | Stripe Documentation

In the account param you must specify the new user’s stripe_account_id
Set the other params and test.
Note : the redirect_uri doesn’t work in this case, you must create a specific web page

3/ Create an update action for updating stipe_account_id for the connected user.
In your field, click on the magic text and select your API and ID field
Capture d’écran 2021-10-20 à 20.54.41

4/ Create a Open external page action. Click on the magic link and select the Create url api and select “URL”

Capture d’écran 2021-10-20 à 20.55.08

And voilà.

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