Hello everyone, I just started Adalo today and, I wanted to login users just using their phone number in my app. I followed this thread send-a-verification-sms-to-new-sign-ups for the workflow. But instead of integromat i ended up using zapier cause integromat was throwing some errors.
My workflow is pretty straight forward User enters the phone number > clicks “Send OTP” button > New user record is created in the database storing the input phone number and a random 5 digit OTP>OTP gets sent to the entered phone number(Zapier integration and twilio) > User gets navigated to the login page where he/she is asked to enter the OTP > if the entered OTP matches the OTP stored in the database the user gets redirected to the home page.
But the workflow is not working as i expected. After clicking the “Send OTP” button nothing happens and also no user record is created in the database. Also i noticed if i used the default login function there are only two options for login i.e, using email or using username.
Am i doing something wrong? Thanks for helping in advance