Maximum number of items

Hello again… Faced another problem

I have a list that filtered by some conditions. Also i have category selection on screen and if i press any category it shows first lesson by time according to selected category.

It works perfectly while Maximum number of items is unlimited…

But as soon asi put there 1 so i can see only next lesson in current category - it shows nothing… i can change categories… but somehow it stops working.

Part of filter that ruins everything looks like that:

It usual Search index that checks with user logged choosed category property that consists either Name or empty.

Any ideas how i can have a list sorted out from Oldest to Newest by date/time that has differeted categories that i change on screen… But i need only one result to be on screen… not unlimited.

Very strange case… cause if i make unlimited it shows that my filters works perfectly.

Can it be a problem that if i use limited number to show up … it fails cause there are some entries that can be shown at same time according to filtering? I mean more than one item released after filtering ? And it can’t show randomly one of them ?

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